Quiz: R Fundamentals
Test your basic understanding of R language syntax and R programming by taking the quiz "R Fundamentals". This quiz consists of ten questions, each with three to five possible answers, at least one of them is correct. There may be multiple correct or incorrect answers. Check those answers that you think are correct, then click the "Submit Quiz" button. If you have answered at least 50% of the answers correctly, you are prepared to take R a step further, for example by learning about functions and data visualization with R and R Studio. Have fun!
The topics of this quiz are: using the RStudio environment, using the help, comments, variables and data types, assignments, and using basic data structures such as vectors, matrices and data frames. Check the R Tutorial on this site for a brief introduction to these topics, or the references below for in-depth explanations.
Quiz: R Functions
Test your basic understanding of programming and using R functions by taking the quiz "R Functions". This quiz consists of ten questions, each with three to five possible answers, at least one of them is correct. There may be multiple correct or incorrect answers. Check those answers that you think are correct, then click the "Submit Quiz" button. If you have answered at least 50% of the answers correctly, you are prepared to take R a step further, for example by learning about data visualization, classification and regression models. Have fun!
The topics of this quiz are: user-defined functions, with and without return value, R built-in functions, binary operators, R packages. Check the R Tutorial on this site for a brief introduction to these topics, or the references below for in-depth explanations.
Tools & References
- R Tutorial "Fundamentals"
- The R project: r-project.org/
- The Comprehensive R Archive Network: cran.r-project.org/
- An introduction to R: cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-intro.html
- Quick list of useful packages: support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/201057987-Quick-list-of-useful-R-packages
- Tidyverse: R packages for data science: https://www.tidyverse.org/
- R for Data Science: https://r4ds.had.co.nz/