1. Kiss E M, Brockmans S, Angele J (2014), Semantic Technologies for the Internet of Services. In: Wahlster W, Grallert H-J, Wess S, Friedrich H, Widenka T (eds) Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Programme, Springer, Heidelberg.
2. Kiss E M (2011), Schlussbericht der ontoprise GmbH im Verbundprojekt TEXO: Business Webs in the Internet of Services, Technische Informations- und Universitätsbibliothek.
3. Noessner J, Fallahi F, Kiss E M, Stuckenschmidt H (2011), Interactive Data Integration with MappingAssistant, ISWC, Bonn.
4. Fallahi F, Noessner J, Kiss E M, Stuckenschmidt H (2011), MappingAssistant: Interactive Conflict-Resolution for Data Integration, ESWC, Kreta.
5. Korf R, Kiss E M (2011), ONTORULE D6.2 - Integrated Showcase, Public Deliverable of the ONTORULE Project, URL:
6. Rosina P, Kiss E M (2011), ONTORULE D4.3 - AUDI Business Orchestration System, Public Deliverable of the ONTORULE Project, URL:
7. Kiss E M et al (2010), ONTORULE D8.4 - Market Intelligence Report, Public Deliverable of the EU ONTORULE Project, URL:
8. Kiss E M et al (2010), ONTORULE D3.6 - Efficient Processing of Effective Combinations, Public Deliverable of the ONTORULE Project, URL:
9. Kiss E M (2008), Truck Chassis Packaging, 4th IPG Meeting Kaiserslautern.
10. Kiss E M (2008), Volvo 3P ChassisPack - Variantenreduktion in der LKW-Produktentwicklung, Fraunhofer ITWM Jahresbericht.
11. Janno J, Kiss E M, Wolfersdorf L (2000), On Tikhonov Regularization for Identifying Memory Kernels in Heat Conduction and Viscoelasticity, ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Volume 80, Issue 4, pp 259-272.
12. Kiss E M (2000), Ein Beitrag zur Regularisierung und Diskretisierung des inversen Problems der Identifikation des Memorykernes in der Viskoelastizität, PhD Thesis. Shaker Verlag.
13. Kiss E M (1999), Identification of memory kernels in viscoelasticity - a comparison of three regularization techniques with discretization and numerical examples, Mini-Symposium, The Fourth International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Edinburgh, URL: ICIAM.
14. Kiss E M (1999), Zur numerischen Behandlung von Memory-Kernen in der Viskoelastizität mit der Integralgleichungsmethode, Preprint 1-99, TU Freiberg.
15. Kiss E M, Janno J (1998), Constrained discrete least squares method for identification of memory kernels in viscoelasticity, Preprint 9-98, TU Freiberg.
16. Kiss E M (1998), Constrained discrete least squares method for identifying memory kernels in viscoelasticity, Int. Conf. on Inverse and Direct Problems and Applications, Gargnano.