
The following quizzes are used as learning resources in modules at the University of Applied Science Kaiserslautern. Each quiz consists of ten questions, each with three to four possible answers, at least one of them is correct. There may be multiple correct or incorrect answers. Check those answers that you think are correct, then click the "Submit Quiz" button. If you have answered at least 50% of the answers correctly, you are prepared to take it a step further, for example by taking the respective course Numerical Methods. Have fun!

  • Python Quiz: Basics »

    Test your basic understanding of Python programming and language syntax by taking the quiz "Python Basics". This quiz consists of ten questions, each with three to five possible answers, at least one of them is correct. There may be multiple correct or incorrect answers. Check those answers that you think are correct, then click the "Submit Quiz" button. If you have answered at least 50% of the answers correctly, you are prepared to take Python a step further. Have fun!

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    Used for exam preparation in Machine Learning Projects.
  • MATLAB Quiz: Fundamentals »

    Test your basic understanding of MATLAB Development Environment and language syntax by taking the quiz "MATLAB fundamentals".
    The topics of this quiz are: using the workspace, declaring variables, vectors and arrays, using MATLAB built-in functions and user-defined functions, and creating figures with subplots and simple line plots. Read the MATLAB Tutorial on this site for a brief introduction to these topics.

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    Used for exam preparation in Master's module Numerical Methods.
  • MATLAB Quiz: Vectors and Matrices »

    Test your basic understanding of MATLAB vectors and matrices by taking the quiz "MATLAB Vectors and Matrices".
    The topics of this quiz are: using the workspace, declaring variables, vectors and arrays, using MATLAB built-in functions and user-defined functions, and creating figures with subplots and simple line plots. Read the MATLAB Tutorial on this site for a brief introduction to these topics.

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    Used for exam preparation in Master's module Numerical Methods.
  • SQL Quiz: Grundlagen »

    Das Quiz besteht aus 10 Fragen, jede mit drei bis vier möglichen Antworten, von denen mehrere wahr oder falsch sein können, mindestens eine jedoch wahr ist. Wählen Sie diejenigen Antworten an, die als wahr eingestuft werden, und senden Sie Ihre Antworten am Ende des Testes ab. Falls Sie mehr als 50% der Fragen richtig beantwortet haben, können Sie Ihre SQL-Grundlagen weiter ausbauen und lernen, wie man Datenbank-Clients in PHP, C# oder Java entwickelt.

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    Used for exam preparation in Master's module Database Systems.
  • C Programmierung Quiz: Grundlagen »

    Die Themen dieses Selbsttests sind die C-Anweisungen zum Deklarieren und Initialisieren von Variablen, Operationen mit Variablen, die formatierte Ausgabe mit printf und auch die Eingabe mit scanf.

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    Used for exam preparation in Bachelor's module Grundlagen der Programmierung.
  • C Programmierung Quiz: Arrays »

    Die Themen dieses Selbsttests sind die C-Anweisungen zum Verwenden von Arrays: Ein- und zweidimensionale Arrays deklarieren, initialisieren, ausgeben, Speicherüberlauf vermeiden, Arrays als Funktionsparameter verwenden.

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    Used for exam preparation in Bachelor's module Grundlagen der Programmierung.